Writing Update

It has been over three months (13 weeks) since I published an article. I typically try to post something every three to four weeks. I wanted to update you even though I don’t have an article ready.

My lack of posting is not due to having nothing to write. I have many thoughts to share. I may be overwhelmed by all there is to discuss. The world and the church continue to experience many troubles and challenges. Not that I desire to focus on the negative aspects of life. However, I have been affected by life’s trials. Part of my distraction has been helping a relative who is dealing with significant medical issues.

Nonetheless, I have continued to write, but my words have been to help my church. These words are unsuitable for general publication because they address specific topics about how our church family functions and teaches. In this season, it has been vital for me to focus on how we build each other up in our local assembly.

I have also written another article about abortion, and I am preparing to submit it to Christianity Today in hopes they will publish it. It includes information that I previously posted on this website. However, I will be returning to my routine of studying and writing soon, and I hope to have a new article here before the end of the year.

I hope you had a great Thanksgiving holiday and are blessed this season as we ponder and celebrate the advent of Immanuel, God with us!


God with Us
